January 20, 2007

Notebook and LaRoche Deal Sealed

Two links from the Post-Gazette today.

The first is on the LaRoche deal, pretty fluffy, but some notable notes from the story.
  • LaRoche is "excited" to be a Pirate. Apparently that says a lot, since he is a laid back dude.
  • Expect a loud roar to come from PirateFest Friday at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. LaRoche is tentatively scheduled for Friday.
The second link is the Notebook. Nothing overly shocking, but here are some notes:
  • DL is looking for bench help and wants to continue improving the team.
  • Bob Nutting is "extremely pleased with the trade."
  • Chacon signed.
  • Trot an Indian.
  • John Schuerholz pats self on back. Slaps Smoltz in the process.
  • As I stated in the comments section of WHYGAVS's poll, the Pirates are high on Bixler, which made Lillibridge expendable. Somehow that statement never made it to my blog, until now.
  • According to Littlefied, Romak is "big".

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